3 Line Tales Week 6 – Price Tag

*Image is not mine

Usually when I write using prompts, I have a clear idea of what I want to write. This just..sort of happened.😅

And a big thank you to Sonya for hosting TLT😀

Here’s my TLT for the week-

Out of all the models, he liked this one best – Not too showy, sails softly flapping with the wind. He imagined he was on the real thing, his hair whipping into his face as the salty breeze of the sea danced past, carrying sounds of laughter with it.
Serious brown eyes looked inquiringly at his mother, who sadly shook her head at the price tag.
Twenty years later, he sat in his private yacht, serving dinner to his beaming mother. Price tags couldn’t pin down the value of this moment.
He would never let her look sadly at her purse again.

©Sonali Mukherjee

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